Hi to all of you looking at this latest posting, enjoy.
We have been up in the Highlands for a year now,
how time has flown !
Our first winter was kind to us, although
the wind can blow more ferocious than in most places,
don't even think about garden ornaments.
The summer has been grand,
some days it's even been too hot to sit outside,
very unexpected
and the dreaded midges have been almost non-existent.
The local people have been very kind
and welcoming to us
and it is amazing how many wonderful things are happening here.
Malcolm has been trying his hand at peat cutting up on the common grazing, just need a few warm days to dry it. |
Very peaceful and beautiful up on the common grazing with just a few sheep for company. |
A sun-filled evening after heavy rain from the croft. |
It was lovely to see April up from Auchencairn with her very special companion Sophie. We had some terrific beach walks and .. |
we found a relatively high hill for April to climb to prove she had been to the Highlands. |
Sophie and Wilma after a hard day's walking. |
A visit to see Trevor Leat's new willow sculptures at Inverewe Gardens was a must and we weren't disappointed, absolutely beautiful as we knew they would be. |
A small creature we found up on the common grazing. |
Actual size only about half an inch although he does look a bit ferocious. |
Great to see Pat and Peter,too, from Norfolk on their first visit to the Highlands, with Wilma ever hopeful of a biscuit . |
Kelvin promised that on his visit to the Highlands he would join me for a swim in Loch Ewe. |
Kelvin very quickly wished that he had not made such a hasty promise ! |
Kelvin and Sue up from Norfolk. It appears that our new central heating system may be working too effectively. |
After a lovely meal at the local Aultbea Hotel. The new owners are making some lovely changes and the food is superb. |
Our first onion harvest.
Scented geraniums, looking good, smelling delightful and the edible flowers really liven up a salad. |
Borage is such a beautiful plant, evidently it is a fantastic companion plant for almost anything and the flowers are edible too. |
Busy insects love the pollen of borage, too, I think this is a friendly hoverfly. |
All around the blooming heather, the Highlands are looking a wonderful shade of purple at the moment. In the background is Ghoblach on the shores of Little Loch Broom. |
A cruise ship in the harbour at Ullapool, dwarfing all the houses . |
Our croft showing the replaced roof on the stone barn and the new polytunnel. |
View of Loch Ewe from Mellon Charles about half a mile from the croft.
This month we are about to start some serious changes to the house,
so a few weeks/months of brick dust and chaos coming up. |
Always a pleasure reading your latest blog ,and as usual the photos are stunning .Is it really a year since you moved in?,It has gone by so quickly.The changes you have made look really good in the photos ,and you are not going to starve by the looks of that huge poly- tunnel.I am really looking forward to the next instalment of living in the Higlands with Juneand Malcolm and can't wait to see photos of the finished interior ,and those huge picture windows!...love to you all.Elaine x and Colin..rbb.