1 May 2014

Update on April 2014

Hi to everyone reading this blog, hope you  have all had a lovely Easter break.

  The weather has been getting better up here and in fact on Monday 28th April 
north west Scotland was the hottest region in the UK !! at 20 C !!

This is certainly a lovely time of year wherever you happen to be
 especially with all the lambs being born and luckily for us a neighbouring crofter 
is using our field for his pregnant ewes, so we get to see the lambs close up.

One ear up and one ear down

Pink-eared and cute

Staying close to mum

It's not long before they find games to play on their own

Finding a new use for the old trailer that was left behind
Having a lovely dust bath

Mid morning gathering

The new veg patch complete with wind breaks !
Malcolm in the barn preparing for a demonstration on working with green wood
There seems to be a lot of old  boats laying around no longer wanted

Good to see you Kelvin and Sue, hope the blisters are ok

Easier walking on the sand !
Rainbow cutting the sky in half

The beautiful beaches of Gairloch mid morning in April
Looking towards Gairloch - the  local hub for us, 12 miles away
Sunlight on Loch Ewe looking south from the croft


  1. Hi June.
    Lets see if my comment gets through this time!
    Lovely photos as usual and how lucky are you to have the lambs nearby.

    Also a bit of a "Hen Party" going on around the old trailer.

    It certainly is a different way of life up there and your
    photos really do make us all want to move up there.

    I loved the photo of Malcolm he certainly looks like he
    knows what he is doing !

    Good luck with all the stuff you have planted.It sounds
    from your weather news that you will be harvesting a
    good amount in the future.

    Just got to press publish now and see what happens.

    love to you both and Wilma and Lulu.xxxxx

  2. Beautiful photos, Junie. Looks idyllic. You are very lucky to live somewhere so beautiful.

    Love to you both

