30 June 2024

June 2024

Welcome everyone to our June 2024 blog. For me it's been a very exciting month with the arrival of an Icelandic pony, "Mr Blonde", arriving on the ferry.

As with everything that arrives on North Ronaldsay, that is too big to arrive on the plane,  it has to be craned off of the ferry onto the pier.

So here he comes, gently flying though the air at the skillful hands of the crane driver.

the final leg of his journey was to be driven the three miles to our croft


 After about an hour of meeting Zara over the wall

it was obvious that they wanted to be together


 and haven't been separated since

 just the right height for each other and similar ages, Mr Blonde being 19 and Zara 24

Mr Blonde has the most wonderful mane and tail ! possibly the thickest I've ever seen

 he is an absolute star !!!!

 Happiness is .....
2 ponies in love with each other 
💙     💘

Thank you to Pauline, Toots, Margaret, Billy and everyone involved in finding Mr Blonde and bringing him safely to North Ronaldsay



 Around the island

 The Island Sky cruise ship anchoring off of Bewan Pier looking spectacular in the evening sun, one of two cruise ships visiting the island this month and with just 120 passengers it is one of the smaller ships

A welcoming party helping the cruise folk from the small Zodiac boats and along the slippery rocks as it was a very low tide
all ninety folk who came ashore enjoyed a variety of pursuits from guided bird watching, ancient sites, lighthouse tours and coffee and cake


 Books of the month


Thank you Suffolk friends, Peter and Bridget, for recommending these two books, see you again next year perhaps 



Website recommendation

If you like grasses, delightful poetry and stunning photography I feel sure you will enjoy this project created by Valerie Gillies and Rebecca Marr



 and thank you Rebecca Marr for these next photos, we wish you well with your current project of a photographic census that will be for the island archive





So from all of us on the croft we wish you all a wonderful summer, that hasn't quite arrived on North Ronaldsay yet,

June and Malcolm



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