1 January 2024

December 2023

 Hope you all enjoyed your winter festivities, enjoying the things you love with the people you love.


More dogs than swimmers for this Christmas Day swim


strange shadows while walking with Zara pony as the sun is beginning to disappear

December evenings with friends, weaving, music, singing, food, chatter 

and sleeping dogs

 Malcolm planting a peach tree in the new greenhouse against a south facing wall, watch this space

 What are the odds of borrowing a friend's car, being followed by an 80mph wind and 
the last container from the removal company landing on the bonnet when it had acres of common grazing to go at !!!!!
Thank you Alex and Jack for being so understanding x


the stunning, constantly changing skies 

over North Ronaldsay



Wilma, our great little dog, celebrated her

 15th birthday this month


she's still making us smile and laugh !




Book of the month

Thank you to June, my friend of 64 years for gifting me this book for Christmas on the basis of the title. Although I don't usually read novels this was a delightful read and lovely to be in another world through it's pages.


A Little Winter Blessing

written by Athey Thompson


"Upon a dark Winter's night , 

if you have shelter in the warm,

if you are safe

and you are well,

then you are truly blessed "

Magical Art by Tuesday Riddell
you can follow Athey Thompson on her Facebook page :
 "Tales of the Old Forest Faeries"
always a delightful read.


New beginnings

a  friend (and fellow mermaid !) from the Highlands has recently taken over a new business


making beautiful handmade soaps, creams, oils and perfumes

Thank you Janette,
I am so pleased with my first order from you,

with Loch Ewe Seasalt soap, Linden soap and

 Wind Song Perfume, on your recommendation

enjoy your new venture xx


Pause for thought


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 Happy New Year !!

Wishing you all an abundance of love, laughter and dreams coming true

 as a new year begins

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