31 August 2023

August 2023

Welcome everyone to our August 2023 photo offerings, hope you enjoy

Around the croft

Zara's thinking: "what's she got a trike for when she's got me ?"

just loving pony whiskers in the sunshine

just loving alchemilla mollis after the rain

a linnet enjoying the thistle heads

wash and brush up time for the starlings


Our visitors to the island this month,
 Karen and Gary and little Pops the dog,
 having a comfy seat in the North Ronaldsay Bird Observatory 
after the ferry journey

Wilma always loving a new friend to play with

and Gary showing me how to brave the water with no wetsuit

thank you both for being such great fun and cooking a delicious meal for us and our friends !

taking life seriously ....

just love this next photo that Karen took of the lens in the lighthouse

thank you Karen xx


Our long awaited greenhouse being delivered, so a little project before the winter winds start getting up


Quote of the month


Around the island

This month has seen the annual rounding up of the North Ronaldsay sheep into the punds, ready for the shearing

taken from the balcony of the lighthouse


North Ronaldsay was privileged to host a group of archaeologists, ecologist, artist and film maker for a  weekend of history, site walking, map making and art.

Brilliant and thank you to everyone who made it a successful weekend


Next month we have some more fascinating folk coming to the island as part of the annual 
International Orkney Science Festival

Always something interesting to look forward to


The "Blue Supermoon" on Wednesday 30th August shining over North Ronaldsay,
the second full moon of August,
hope you saw it wherever you were.

This celestial occurrence carries a unique vibrational frequency due to its alignment with the Pisces zodiac sign.
As the moon bathes us in its mystical light, it beckons us to shed old patterns, embrace change, and step into a new chapter of our lives.


Go enjoy yourselves !

see you again next month

June & Malcolm


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