30 September 2022

September 2022


Hello again to our monthly blog, hope you enjoy 3 minutes worth of our photographs from this month of September.

The barn roof is progressing; now with two layers of roofing felt over the sarking boards and battens on top of that

and now the job of replacing the huge stones ...

Thank you Billy !!

we couldn't have done it without you.

a skillful job indeed.


I couldn't work out why Zara had so much bird poo on her back, then I saw that she has a pet starling who sits with her

Wilma as usual loving the beach

and making friends with Frank,

looking forward to seeing you in December Frank

Around the island's rocky shores 

just love limpets

in a beautiful meadow by the Bird Observatory

No posting would be complete without a photograph of the lighthouse


Poem of the month

Rocky Shores

North Ronaldsay you've brought me 
to your rocky shores
and now you hold me in your charms.

I've touched your darkest skies,
I've danced your Northern Lights,
I've counted your stars
that shine so bright.

I've swam your clearest waters
whose tides have swallowed sailors never to go home
and your seabed keeps their secrets and their gold.

Deep inside your every rock 
your history is written,
waiting for the time 
when future ears will listen.

My soul dwells in your timelessness,
I sleep within your stones.

North Ronaldsay you've brought me 
to your rocky shores,
you brought me to be home.

June Purvis


Malcolm's sister came over from Madeira this month, it was a delight to see her and show her around the island in sunny weather.

Thank you for making the trip Barb

sitting on the ancient broch looking out to sea

A bit of fun


When there's a storm going on outside and everything is blowing about ......

the best thing to do is take a leaf out of Tilly's book and just lay down on the carpet and wait for it to blow over

take a gentle book off of the book shelves

and thank you Marina for sending us this next delightful book


Pause for thought

from Scottish Womens' Institute Facebook page


So until next month enjoy your rainbows

June and Malcolm and the gang

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