1 July 2020

A peaceful evening on my favorite beach

Around the croft

It's been lovely to watch the birds this month

and to watch the parents feeding their young

and around 10pm we've been watching a barn owl hunting and returning to a distant derelict cottage (just by the right hand dormer window) to feed their young.

We get our fair share of rain up here and it always delights me to see how it sits on various plants,
 sitting like Christmas baubles on fennel

and how it collects on Alchemilla Mollis leaves.

Strawberries are rampaging across the croft so there will be enough for us, the birds, the chickens and the geese !

This next photo is for Maureen, do you remember that honeysuckle cutting you gave us when you left Naast ?  Well, it's loving it by our back door.

Sea campion


Happiness is ......

a hug with my big brown pony

or a big wet lick from Wilma

or just looking out to sea


Poem of the month

If We All Were Blind

If we all were blind and could not see
There would be no difference between you and me.
We could not tell the colour of another's skin.
Everyone a brother, a sister or next of kin.

Walking more slowly,
Our outstretched hands feeling for a gentle touch,
Listening for the music within our souls
That we have missed so much.

If we all were blind we'd share our hearts' song,
We'd sing together and know that we belong.

We'd share the warmth of the same sun
And the pull of the moon,
Being of Nature we'd play the same tune.

If we all were blind, then we would see,
There is no difference between you and me.

June Purvis



Book of the month


Quote of the month

(photo courtesy of 
The Art of Learning on Creative Systems Thinking Facebook page)


Pause for thought and tea

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently,
as if it is the axis on which the earth revolves -
slowly, evenly without rushing towards the future.
Live the actual moment,
only this moment is life."

Thich Nhat Hanh


Take care everyone,
 look for beauty in all the things around you.

Wishing you a peaceful July,
 from Malcolm and June and the gang

🐾     🐴     🐱     🐔    🐓

1 comment:

  1. I like to visit your posts every few months to check all is OK with you guys. Thank you and best wishes to you both. XX Paul
