1 June 2019

May 2019 has been a mixture of sunshine and rain,
hope you enjoy the mixture of this month's photos.

Aultbea now has it's own Men's Shed Group and the first thing they need is of course a shed !

Watch this space !


This is the kelp that we collected one evening last month and it dried nicely ready for blitzing in the blender and we now use it sprinkled on salads, in sandwiches and soup and as an alternative to salt ; tasty and good for you.

All seaweed growing around the UK coast is edible;
edible but not necessarily tasty !

Website of the month


"eating wild food restores the vital connection between humans and nature"

This is a wonderful site for exploring in-depth information on wild food with great info on seaweed collection and preparation.

The vegan butter that I made turned out well and looked and tasted much like ordinary butter.

If you fancy giving it a try, here's the recipe :


8 tblsp ground almonds or almond flour
2 tblsp  mildly-flavoured, unsweetened, non-dairy milk
(do not use soy or canned coconut milk)
2 tsp nutritional yeast (optional)
1 tsp salt
1tsp apple cider vinegar
4 tblsp olive oil (standard or extra virgin)
120ml REFINED coconut oil, melted + at room temperature
(do not use unrefined or virgin coconut oil)
1 pinch of tumeric (optional but gives colour)


  • mix almonds, milk, salt, nutritional yeast and apple cider vinegar together and blend
  • pour in coconut oil + olive oil and blend until smooth 
  • pour into container, cover and refrigerate
(allow 2 hours to set)


Some of the gang this month ....

Tilly is always seeking new places to curl up and have a nap, this time she found a cosy place in Zara's feed bin ..

and under the raspberry canes in the polytunnel is also a favourite place to hide

Wilma taking it easy after her beach fun with her pals

and just when Wilma thinks she has the whole sofa to herself, along comes Malcolm


We have a new recruit to our Sunday morning swims,
Fiona (third from the left) and she loved every minute of it,
well done Fiona, see you again soon

swimming under the pier

and while we swim
 our dogs have a wonderful time with Stan,
thank you Stan


If you ever find yourself up on the northwest coast and you love birds you will enjoy a trip over to Handa Island 

a breathtaking trip and
 seeing the puffins was the highlight of our day !

thank you Peter for making the day so interesting
 with your amazing  knowledge of birds


Visitors to the croft

Barb, Malcolm's sister, came over from her home in Madeira and spent a week with us and was pleased to see their Mum still in good form, she even beat both of them at cards !
no wonder Mum is laughing !


It was great to see Vicky and Bill who came to see us on their trip around Scotland, just as much fun as ever !

Searching for sea glass was a favourite pastime on their travels and it was amazing how much they found !

and a few days later we came across a rather appropriate poem, found on Pinterest


When the sun shines in the Highlands and there's no wind
you just have to make the most of it and sit quietly 
with a coffee and a good book

Books of the Month

This is one of the best books we have read in a long while !

Thank you Christine for lending me this next book


Along the shoreline........

patterns in the sand

beautifully camouflaged oyster catcher eggs

and heart shaped lichen on the rocks


Quote of the Month

( courtesy of Ecological Consciousness on Facebook )


A bit of fun

a painting by Roy Anstey
from Facebook page Being Scottish

(thanks Caroline for finding this one)


Pause for thought

keep planting !


So  with love from the Highlands

may you all be well and happy 

Malcolm and June 
and the gang



  1. missing you both, hope to be there next month! Cath x

  2. love reading your blog June. look forward to it each month!
    you will not know me but might just remember seeing me walk along the shore road when I have visited with my daughter Helen.(remember Paul AKA Jester)from Auchencairn!

    1. Hi Babs , thank you for your comment .I am so glad that you enjoy the blog , I get a lot of pleasure taking the photos and putting it together.Shore Road will always remain one of my favourite places and Nutwood House. Please give our regards to Helen and Jester. Is Helen still doing her amazing paintings ? Do you still get to see them both ? Hope you are keeping well , very best wishes to you , June xerox
