31 August 2016

August 2016

Summer in the Highlands !

A month of eating outside, dancing,  swimming and friends,
lovely !

Freshly caught mackerel (thank you neighbours !)
cooked on an open fire in the evening sunshine,

and Wilma came too

Aultbea in the sunshine .....

Great music and dancing at the 
family Ceilidh in Poolewe,
we're gradually learning the steps.


and as always,
the pipers, the raffle and great cakes !

Wilma has been very spoilt this month 
and had loads of attention
especially when young Charlotte came to stay.

Wilma even joined in under the table
when rain stopped the outside activites
and the Monopoly board came out.

Malcolm's Mum joining in the fun !

Great to see you James and Caroline !
didn't think I'd get to see my nephew up in the Highlands,
see you again next year.

This wig certainly gets around.

Hi Penny, hi Chris ,
great to see you in the Highlands for your first time !

Penny helping out on the croft with the chickens


A Claudie, Viviane, Marie et Shirley.. 
 les dames racissantes qui sont venues pour acheter 
des oeufs de nos poules,
mais qui sont parties comme amies:
Cetait un plaisir inattedu de vous rencontrer
et de danser avec vous a Poolewe Ceilidh.
On espere que le reste de votre sejour,
au beau pays de l'Ecosse,
etait aussi agreeable et que vous etes rentres chez vous sans problemes.

Translation :
"To Claudie, Viviane, Marie and Shirley,
the delightful French ladies who came to buy our hens' eggs
and left us as friends, 
it was an unexpected pleasure to meet you all 
and to dance with you at the Poolewe Ceilidh.
We hope you enjoyed the rest of your trip around 
beautiful Scotland
and had a safe journey back home."


Around and about the croft ......

an orderly march to the feed bin !

Malcolm's new log pile,
inspired by the book "Norwegian Wood",
it stacks an enormous amount of wood
and looks great.

The pallets have now been boarded up
as Wilma decided it was a good idea to scramble underneath,
not a good idea.

the sweet peas have only just started to burst forth

a lone rabbit keeping a watchful eye for Wilma

Geese waiting at the back door ready for more feed 


August is the month for the produce show
organised by the GALE Centre
(the Gairloch And Loch Ewe - social enterprise centre)
a celebration of wonderful things 
grown, painted, sewn, knitted, photographed or made
 in and around Gairloch and Loch Ewe
by all age groups.

Thank you Tania and Janet and team
for making it a wonderfully social day.

An amazing array of goodies,
from jams and chutney.....

to photographs

the best entry I think was 
Agnes's "handbag" cake !

Some of our entries .....

and a crofter's bouquet


The shore of Loch Ewe bathed in sunshine


Colourful skies over Loch Ewe


Quote / verse of the month

Smile Virus

Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu
When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin
And when he smiled I realised , I'd passed it on to him !
I thought about that smile and realised its worth
A single smile, just like mine, could travel round the earth.
So if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected
Let's start an epidemic and get the world infected !


We've had some fabulous swims this month,
some really wild, knock-you-over waves
and some ultra calm, still waters.

Well done Charlotte for joining in the fun !

If you can't beat the weather 
just join it !

Waiting for the waves

 glad you enjoyed getting your first wetsuit well and truly wet !

oooh ! great !

The World War 2 pier proved to be a great source
of watery photographs ....

Underwater life at the Salmon Beach

crabs and fishes

in search of the Loch Ewe Monster ?


haven't found him yet, I'll keep looking

That's it folks for another month, 
enjoy your September wherever you may be,

June & Malcolm


  1. Fantastic blog post as always. So good to see you both (and all the animals too!). Can't wait to visit again. Love James, Caroline and Charlotte xxx

  2. We are still raving about our fabulous time with you. Can't wait to see you again. Lots of love xxxx

  3. Lovely seeing all the photo's,and the log pile is very impressive ,so no chance of you being cold this winter.When James told us about swimming in choppy water he wasn't exaggerating!You all looked like you had a great time.Loved the Smile Poem June,if you post it on Facebook I will share it to friends and make them smile too.Love to you Malcolm, Mum and the Menagerie.xxx
