30 November 2023

November 2023

Welcome everyone to our  November 2023 blog, a wonderful month for seeing the Northern Lights

with the lighthouse in the foreground and the Plough in the top right hand corner

although you can see the lights with the naked eye the brightness of the colours is only picked up by the camera, these were taken on my phone with a 10 second exposure

a funky, fuzzy closeup of the lighthouse


Quote of the month


Wilma had to make her first trip to the vet by plane since moving to the island but took it all in her little stride and even slept in the travelling box the night beforehand so that she wouldn't be late !

For anyone who hasn't experienced the flight from Orkney Mainland to the island, it is a very cosy affair ! not much leg room 

and no inflight entertainment other than the magnificent view

Whilst on Orkney Mainland it was lovely to walk along by the colourful Kirkwall Harbour


As we step out from our croft it is always lovely when we can see Fair Isle across the water on a clear day, about 28 miles away, imagining all the knitters there knitting the Fair Isle hats and jumpers for which they are famous.

and it's always great when both Tilly cat and Wilma come for a walk in the sunshine


Book of the month

thanks  Olly for lending us another great read


Pause for thought


Just for a laugh !

"Dinner Time"
(Daniel Daniel's post to Suffolk Punch Horse Hub Facebook page)


so,from our island croft in the North sea

we wish you all a peaceful December and may you find love, laughter and cherished moments wherever you are.

June & Malcolm




1 November 2023

October 2023

Hello everyone, welcome, enjoy the photos.

Malcolm making sure we have enough spuds for the winter months

Just love a wild and windy Saturday morning watching the waves crash in

and watching the old beacon in the storm

The greenhouse is up and glazed and has already withstood 70mph winds

so peach tree, grape vine, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are on order !

Our replacement car being craned off the ferry boat


Quote of the month


Around the island

Nouster Beach at low tide

plenty of seaweed being washed up by the storm 
on to the shore for the sheep to eat


Images and reflections inside the lighthouse

Reflections of light through the lens on to the wall

and looking up through the cast iron walkway


Visitors this month

It has been great to see Janet and Peter and

 Jenny and Paul this month

lots of talking, eating and walking

gambling with matchsticks, Peter looking smug with his pile 

and swimming 

with some of my Ewe Wild Swimming mermaids,

felt so good !!

so glad you made the trip to the island !


For all the bird spotters out there,

rare waxwings in our garden

Thank you George Gay 
from the North Ronaldsay Bird Observatory 
for this photo.


Our lady photographing a shrike in the garden

Thank you Tom Gale 
from the North Ronaldsay Bird Observatory 
for this photo.


Book of the month

thanks Olly for lending us this one, great book !


Pause for thought


When Malcolm asks for a cup of cocoa I like to see how much froth I can get on it, simple pleasures, haha

Wishing you happy wanderings...

keep making the world a better place
Malcolm & June
🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂

1 October 2023

September 2023


Welcome to our September photos.

Moonshine over the old beacon at the north end of the island


Even with Wilma's help the construction of the greenhouse is not going to plan...

Don't mention the greenhouse !!!!


Quote of the month


Around the croft,

intriguing carrot seed head

and this time we've remembered to save some of the seeds

amazing onion seed head

a wee friendly visitor on the croft

with beautiful spines

and where is the cat when you need her ?

fast asleep a few feet away !

A friend's new puppy has joined in the fun on our Saturday morning walks and already is bigger than our usual gang.


It has been lovely to see Malcolm's sister again, over from Madeira

we found her lovely beaches

and seals for walking companions but not as much sunshine as she is used to.


Book of the month


Beautiful music up by the lighthouse in celebration of a retirement


enjoy the coming of autumn and all that it brings

Malcolm and June

🍏 🍏 🍏 🍏 🍏