Welcome to this month's images of our new life on our North Ronaldsay croft, a four minute read enjoyed best with a cup of tea and a biscuit.
Zara enjoys her lush new paddock
and this one is especially for Wilma's fan club, just too tired to lay down.
This month's flora on the island
any crack will do
the colours and caves of the island
Billy Muir the lighthouse keeper gives tours on most days throughout the summer months, Malcolm and I help with these tours and take people to the top, saves going to the gym !
Poem of the month
Billy is the lighthouse keeper,
he's got his O.B.E,
for over fifty years now
he's safe-guarded men at sea.
I am just the lighthouse girl,
I'll take you to the top
and if you need a breather
then halfway up just stop.
You'll climb those stairs until
you're forty meters high
and on the windswept balcony
you'll almost touch the sky.
You'll look south along North Ronaldsay
and see the punds and crues
and if you're very lucky
an orca or two.
You'll look across the North Sea
and maybe see Fair Isle
but if it's very cloudy
you'll need to wait a while.
Looking north to Norway
it's four hundred miles away
and if you're sailing westwards
you'll come to Hudson Bay.
Billy will tell the story
and all the reasons why
but I am just the lighthouse girl
and I'll take you to the sky.
June Purvis
North Ronaldsay has a lovely exhibition of old photographs in the old kirk that was set up as a millennium project
well worth a visit if you are on the island
Notice the size of these stone slabs being heaved up onto the roof, they are huge !!
It wasn't until 1983 when electricity was first installed on the island
This is a lovely idea ~
North Ronaldsay Community Garden
Malcolm and I have both had a go at sheep shearing, our first attempt and very slow but I think there will be plenty of opportunity to do more in a few weeks time if we want to.
The goat in the background knows that it's safe from the shears and us.
I thought that having a trailer to take Wilma to the beach would help my cycling but it didn't help at all.