1 March 2022

Welcome to our February blog.

The sun has been shining, yeh !! and so the hens and cockerel thought it would be a good day for a dust bath, maybe they might even lay an egg or two. 

Tilly is still concerned that we might leave her behind when we move and wants to remind us that she is very precious and fragile.

Being around the time of the full moon, the tide was particularly high for our Sunday dip, the beach had disappeared and the pier was the shortest I've ever seen it.

One of my favorite times of day is around 10pm when I sit outside with Zara while she eats her hay supper, listening to her munching is quite meditative !


Poem of the month

Thank you for this breath of life,

thank you for this brand new day.

Hold my hand, let's walk together,

Peace, the only way.

June Purvis


Books of the month

(from Scottish Womens' Institute Facebook page)




(from Scottish Women's Institute Facebook page)


Quote of the month

(from Tao & Zen Facebook page)


Wishing you peace 

Malcolm & June

