31 July 2015

July 2015

July brought some very cold, wet weather 
but for the annual
 Aultbea Raft Race and Fun Day
the sun shone to make a wonderful weekend for everyone. 
The calm waters of Aultbea Harbour before the Raft Race
 and then the rafts began to arrive !

 in all their various shapes and sizes.

 Getting ready at the start line ...

The line up for our team, from the left,
Malcolm, Fer,Matthew, me, Fiona, Janette, Callum + Max. 
We didn't win, we didn't sink, we didn't come last,
we came 3rd ! (from last).

The Aultbea Fun Day was a wonderful success
with lots of things going on for all ages,

from "welly wanging"

the pipe band..

story-telling and children's competitions 
in the wonderful yurt ..

the chicken run ..

 giant jenga ..

 fire engines ..

china smashing ..

silly games for all ages ..

five a side football ..

golf ..

vintage tractors and cars ..

and loads more !

Thank you to Morven, Murdo, Willie
 and to everyone involved 
for making it a huge success.

It's been a musical month too with .. 

 at the Gairloch Highland Gathering dance
held at Big Sands

at the Ceilidh Place in Ullapool,
two great nights !

Rolling this large cable drum half a mile along the road
to our croft caused some amusement
but it now makes a brilliant outside table ! 
(we did ask first)

Lulu thinks it was put there just for her.

The chickens love having a dust bath but to do it well,
first dig up a new plant and take out the marker stick,
in the hope that no one will notice !

The geese taking it easy with beaks tucked in against the wind.

With the slightly warmer weather the grass grew
and the mower broke down ...

 and the grass kept on growing.

Time to call in the girls to eat their way through it..

 thank you Jock for the loan of your girls.

 The grass was so tall you could hardly see the sheep
but they're in there somewhere.

The foundations for Malcolm's Mum's house are taking shape..

The house will be finished by beginning of December.

Malcolm pleased with his peat-cutting.

The two black and white chicks (in the centre)
have no problem hanging out with the big guys ! 

The shore from the croft gate.

Midnight over Aultbea Harbour 

 and moonshine on Loch Ewe

 The colours of Loch Ewe ....

Resting but still keeping an eye on us ..

Our Aultbea friend Bryan Islip, 
painter, poet, writer and a lovely man, too,
recently wrote a poem called "Writing to Friends"
that I would like to share with you.

  Writing to Friends
"You have to come here," I told them.
"But it's so cold and wet," they said,
"Isn't it?"
Sitting in a Highlands Cafe with a cup of tea
and a Highlands scone I wrote: "Dear people,
You think you know about colour
until you've seen an early morning day
cloudless over Gairloch
through air so clear, this clean,
noiseless save for the shushing of the sea,
the calling of the gulls
as if to you and me.
I swear that you can actually feel 
these lands of time-lost Highland Clans,
so everlasting, wild, its majesty."
And so they came, our friends,
and it rained and blew 
a gale of wind all week
(a different kind of beauty).
This Wester Ross smiles not,
shows not herself always or so often
and they will come again, perhaps will stay.
For thus did we: and this I know
to live here's more than
 just to be.


Until next month, signing off and
wishing you a sunny August.

3 July 2015

June 2015

Hello everyone,
I'd like to show you some lovely sunny photos BUT
summer hasn't quite reached the Highlands
 yet this year except for a glorious day on 1st July,
we live in hope.

The month has still given me plenty of opportunity 
to take some photos, 
which I hope you enjoy.

We have two new additions to the flock,
courtesy of our neighbour's cockerel,
who rather likes having 23 ladies all to himself.

Mother hen keeping them safely
tucked up under her breast.

"Now just follow me chuck..."

a little lost in the undergrowth

The proud father.

Our hens give us a lot of pleasure and amusement,
just watching them, as well as the eggs...

just gossiping...

but being very free-range they have their own ideas 
on where they want to lay their eggs,

between lobster pots and floats....

under wheel barrows
and some we probably haven't found yet.

Mystery solved!
I now know who steals my gardening gloves
and drops them in the middle of the pond !

A young robin whose mum decided to build 
her nest in the workshop,
had to work and tread very carefully for a few days.

A young Northern Wheatear
in the long grass on the croft.

Our visitors this month 
were Malcolm and Helen
on their second visit from sunny Norfolk.

Beach-combing on Big Sands was a must
 along with several other beaches

While Helen gave us a lesson in felting
we sent her Malcolm out to saw some logs !

Thank you both, it was great to see you,
sorry the sun didn't shine quite as much
as we hoped it would for you.

Malcolm's new tap dancing shoes !
It all happens in Aultbea Hall you know !

Patterns, colours and textures on the sands...

Along the coastal path ...

The foundations for Malcolm's Mum's house have begun.
The house will be built in 5 months 
and then at 90 she will be starting a whole new life
in the Highlands, a bit of a change from Buckinghamshire !

Late afternoon sunshine and clouds 
on the edge of Loch Ewe

Evening sunshine and clouds 
on Loch Ewe.

At this time of year it barely gets dark at night,
you lose all sense of time,
which is rather lovely.

Aultbea at 11pm

In the next blog posting 
I hope to show some real summer,
in the meantime, to all of you down south,
enjoy your heatwave.

June x